Admin Function
Admin Multisig
2-day timelock
support a new market
delist a market
collateral factor change
price oracle change
supply unpause
borrow unpause
set credit limit
set implementation
upgrade comptroller admin
No Timelock
supply pause
borrow pause
reserve factor change
collateral cap change
reduce reserve
set interest rate model
Set bToken implementation with a 2-day timelock
Set bToken admin with a 2-day timelock
In case of emergency, Guardian has part of admin functions without timelock. Guardian is a multisig controlled by the same signers as admin multisig, but it needs only 1 signature to execute the following functions:
Pause supply of a specific market
Pause borrow of a specific market
Pause Flash Loan of a specific market
Pause liquidate borrow (seize) of all markets
Pause transfer of all bTokens
Set supply cap of a specific market
Set borrow cap of a specific market
Reduce credit limit to $1 for a specific account, preventing it to borrow further without making it a non-credit-limit account
Enable / disable on-chain oracle references
(Withdraw and repay of any market cannot be paused)
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